When was the Sofia Research & Development Foundation initiated?

The Sofia Research & Development Foundation was initiated by President Emeritus Allan Cahoon in 2021.

Why we established a foundation that allows for investig in the future of Sofia University at this time?

We have been through a lot of turbulance and uncertainty in the past, exacerbated by 20 months of COVID 19. We are now at the point of emergnce with a renewed sense of purpose, with the strong expectation for a reaffirmation of accreditation by WSCUC. We beleive our administration, faculty, staff, students, trustees, and alumni are strongly committed to Sofia's renewed sense of purpose and committment to high-quality, student-centereed education. Establishing a charitable foundation provides a charitable option for administration, faculty, staff, alumni, and board memebers and provides them with the opportunity to invest in research and development, student support, and community engagement and impact.

Can I claim my donation(s) on my taxes?

The foundation received a 501 (c) (3) designation on December 3rd, 2021. As a non-profit you can claim any donation on your taxes.

Who are the board members?

Board Members: Ray Reisler, Bill Chen, Geoffrey Cox, Steven Gold, Renate Krogdahl, Pedro Márquez

When did the foundation start?

The Foundation was officially launched on September 16th, 2022.

Has the foundation reached any milestones?

The foundation reached its first milestone of $100,000 in donations, on July 26th, 2023.